2007-2008 was a special period in my life: I had my own bag company. That was another learning moment. Invested a lot, lost everything. Expensive but valuable learning money!
What happened
I had started a business with a former roommate from my college days. From scratch.
We were going to sell briefcases to bankers, insurance companies, top salespeople, etc. We were mainly targeting teams who got a nice incentive when they scored again. We had something that went right along with it; Custom bags. Made from the best Italian naturally tanned leather. With exclusive shiny lining fabrics. Your own company logo on it. And as icing on the cake: your name stamped into it.
We wanted to keep everything in our own hands: designing, buying the materials, managing production with professionals, marketing, sales. With our slick business plan, we had secured substantial funding.
When we started in January 2007, things looked very promising. Less than six months later, the Credit Crisis into it. The luxury incentives were soon over. A club of bankers with all new custom-built purses, that really wasn't going to happen anymore.
We still tried to make a turn. We didn't succeed. The fact that there was a credit crunch sucked. But that we could not make a turn, that was our own responsibility. Our concept was too complex. Too much different activity on our little plate. We had thought we could just do everything. That we didn't have to make choices.
And what are you doing in your organization?
Strategic focus in your organization is essential for success. Focus produces the following effects:
- You know what you do and especially what you do not have to do. This gives you an overview, peace of mind and no unnecessary work!
- Everyone becomes more purposeful and independent. People know what the intention is. You then don't have to explain it every day!
- It is quickly clear if investment proposals, developments or activities do not contribute. This saves long discussions and unnecessary frustration!
- It's easier to work together. Everyone is working on the same thing!
- Your customers better understand what you do!
To get focus, you have to make real choices.
And that's often where the shoe pinches. Making a common choice as a team that is supported by everyone is often difficult.... So that's why many organizations just hobble along.
At MT Guidance strategic focus is often a major theme. We teach you and your team how to make a common choice in a healthy way. In this way you will achieve focus and save your organization unnecessary learning costs and a lot of frustration.